Procrastinate later


Instinctively, we know that when we focus our attention on meaningful activities that support our light, vision, goals, dreams, and purpose, we are far less likely to procrastinate. That is an inherent theme of Faith With Focus. In the next chapter on inspired action, we will see how time flies when we engage in activities that inspire us. Additionally, when our actions are aligned with our values, we tend to move effortlessly through our days. Nonetheless, you would be hard-pressed to find an individual who never procrastinates. You would also be hard-pressed to find someone who must face an unpleasant task or situation that needs to be addressed. We are all guilty of procrastination from time to time.

Since it often does not make sense to quit the day job while you transition to a new line of work, you may be stuck doing tasks that you don’t feel like doing and resolving issues that you don’t feel like confronting. Know, however, that when you responsibly accept the task at hand and perform it admirably, or when you meet an unpleasant issue head-on, you are moving in the general direction of your dream. You are building self-confidence that you are willing to do what is necessary and for which you are responsible for. Pat yourself on the back each time you complete such a task or confront an issue, and soon enough these tasks won’t be so unpleasant.

There are millions of articles that address ways in which to overcome procrastination. They boil down to first acknowledging that you procrastinate, determine why (fear, disorganization, unpleasant task), and then implementing strategies to overcome your procrastination. One buzz phrase that has helped me battle procrastination is to resort to the phrase “procrastinate later.” When you procrastinate, you are not focusing on what you should be doing.

When I focus on what I know I should be doing and then do it—I always feel better about completing the task. That is my internal reward system. For example, earlier today I had to make a difficult phone call turning down an opportunity with a person I think very highly of. It was a tough conversation. Rather than wait, I tackled it the first thing this morning and felt great afterward. I now have the freedom to totally immerse myself in my writing. I have also strengthened my self-esteem by having the grit to do the right thing and make that call. Remember the words of Zig Ziglar: “When you do the things you need to do when you need to do them, the day will come when you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them.”